Racetrack and French Bets



The “Racetrack” is a visual representation of the three thirds of the wheel that make up the traditional “French Bets”. The racetrack is used in online live roulette to make placing the bets easier, by selecting either the whole of a sector of the wheel to bet on, or a number and it’s neighbours.

French Bets

The 3 sectors are known as Voisins du zéro (neighbors of zero), Le tiers du cylindre (Thirds of the wheel) & Orphelins (orphans)

Voisins du zéro (neighbours of zero)

This is the sector of 17 numbers that lay between 22 & 25. The complete series of numbers are 22,18,29,7,28,12,35,3,26,0,32,15,19,4,21,2,25. A bet on this sector uses a minimum of 9 chips and are placed as follows:

2 chips on the 0/2/3 street
1 chip on the 4/7 split
1 chip on the 12/15 split
1 chip on the 18/21 split
1 chip on the 19/22 split
2 chips on the 25/26/28/29 corner
1 chip on the 32/35 split

Le tiers du cylindre (Thirds of the wheel)

This is the sector that is physically opposite the Voisins du Zero sector. It’s often just referred to as Tiers and contains all numbers between 27 and 33. The series is 27,13,36,11,30,8,23,10,5,24,16,33. A bet on this sector uses a minimum of 6 chips as follows:

1 chip on the 5/8 split
1 chip on the 10/11 split
1 chip on the 13/16 split
1 chip on the 23/24 split
1 chip on the 27/30 split
1 chip on the 33/36 split

Orphelins (orphans)

This sector is made up from the remaining sections of the wheel that are either side of the Tiers and Voisins sector. It’s made up of 8 numbers, the series being 17,34,6 and 1,20,14,31,9. A bet on this sector uses a minimum of 5 chips as follows:

1 chip is placed straight-up on 1
1 chip on the 6/9 split
1 chip on the 14/17 split
1 chip on the 17/20 split
1 chip on the 31/34 split

Neighbour Bets

A neighbour bet is a 5-chip bet that covers a particular number and the two numbers either side of it to the left and right. You can normally place it using the roulette racetrack.  Clicking on one number will also highlight the two either side and then your bet will be placed on the table.

Final Bets

Finaal is another bet that is offered in online live roulette. There are multiple finaal bets and are probably best explained by examining the list below.

Finale en plein 0 – a 4-chip bet that covers 0+10+20+30, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 1 – a 4-chip bet that covers 1+11+21+31, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 2 – a 4-chip bet that covers 2+12+22+32, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 3 – a 4-chip bet that covers 3+13+23+33, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 4 – a 4-chip bet that covers 4+14+24+34, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 5 – a 4-chip bet that covers 5+15+25+35, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 6 – a 4-chip bet that covers 6+16+26+36, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 7 – a 3-chip bet that covers 7+17+27, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 8 – a 3-chip bet that covers 8+18+28, each with 1 chip
Finale en plein 9 – a 3-chip bet that covers 9+19+29, each with 1 chip
Finale 0/3 – a 4-chip bet covers 0/3+10/13+20/23+30/33, each with 1 chip
Finale 1/4 – a 4-chip bet covers 1/4+11/14+21/24+31/34, each with 1 chip
Finale 2/5 – a 4-chip bet covers 2/5+12/15+22/25+32/35, each with 1 chip
Finale 3/6 – a 4-chip bet covers 3/6+13/16+23/26+33/36, each with 1 chip

It’s possible to place these bets from within the software playing interface.  Some feature a table where you can click on the bet you want and it will place the chips on the table, otherwise you have to do it manually!